Getting started with Git has to be the hardest part but it's well worth it as the result is a great distributed source control system.

If you've not tried it yet go get your self a free GitHub account and start playing, they have some excellent introductory articles to help you get started. After that you might want to check out TekPubs Git series.
Anyway, once your up and running with Git you'll be wanting to get your CI system using it to do your continuous integration builds from, this is where it gets complicated again.
I'm currently running CCNET 1.4.4 which doesn't have Git support baked in, I beleive 1.5 should have but I've not tried that yet.
I had a post ready to go with details on setting up CCNET 1.4 with Git, but never got around to posting it, so to save me the time here's another great post for setting up CCNET with Git which says almost everything I was going to say.
However... after doing all that you might still find CCNET failing to build for no apparent reason. If you look into the log file you will probably see that the Git task has timed out.
Whats happening behind the scenes is one of two things.
- Git is wanting you to accept the remote site as authentic and wishes to remember the key.
- Git is unable to use your private/public key pair to authenticate.
However if you try to connect from the Git Bash command line (on Windows) you will probably be fine.
Here's the hack/fix:
Your public/private key pair and the known hosts file are stored in your user folder (i.e. on WinXP C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\.ssh), which when you access Git Bash it uses these files.
When you run CCNET as either the command line or service it doesn't use those files, instead it uses the files from Gits Program Files folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\Git\.ssh).
Make sure you can access the remote Git from Bash first as the known_hosts file gets updated.
Backup any files you are about to overwrite in the Program Files\Git\.ssh folder.
Now copy the contents for the Documents and Settings .ssh folder over to the Program Files .ssh folder (remember to back up first!) and your away.
Once nice thing I did discover in this process, is that you give out your public key, so you can give it out to numerous hosting sites, such as GitHub and Unfuddle and be able to use just the one key for them all as you sign the requests with your private key.